Thursday, April 10, 2014

Starting Over

Over the last few months I've done a great deal of sorting through stuff--clothes, shoes, household items and books, and it feels quite liberating.  It is Springtime, after all, and time to let go of anything that doesn't work anymore.  Imagine my surprise today when I visited my old blog and was denied access!  I tried and tried to get in but this site insists that I have no prior blog.  I can go to my old blog's domain but I cannot access it to post or edit so in the spirit of Spring I am letting it go, too, even though I think its original name,  Greenblood's Veins, was perfect when I came up with it.  Apparently, not anymore!

As I am typing, my youngest cat, Smokio, is licking my head, over and over, grooming me, his mama.  He is still something of a kitten at fourteen months so I humor him by sitting mostly still in my big recliner while he is perched on top.  It actually feels sweet, his ministrations, and I close my eyes from time to time, realizing I am really a giant cat in human form, purring and relaxing in the sun streaming in through the living room window.  There is nothing more I need in this world but light and feline dreams.  Thank heavens I am no longer employed in construction!  I relax these days, and write anything that comes to mind.  Yes, I am starting over with my writing and it is a very fine feeling, this new Spring.

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